10 July 2007

Lily Goes to Bible School

This morning, Lily was the "Live Pet of the Day" at our church's Vacation Bible School. Our only goal was that she not bite or scratch any small children, and I'm proud to report complete success on that front.

I was told that 261 children are in attendance this week, so by my calculations, approximately 522 little hands stroked Lily's fur today. DD and I could feel an occasional deep growl as we held her, but only one time did she really lose her patience with the wee folks.

"Look, she has vampire teeth!"

Otherwise, the comments went something like this for the two-hour visit:

"She's so soft!"

"What's her name? My cat's name is Gary."

"Does she smile?"

The highlight of the visit was when someone brought us some warm bread, right out of the oven. It was intended for DD and me, but before we knew it, Lily had eaten most of it. That seemed to surprise a lot of people. (Ha! If only they knew the half of what Lily eats.)

The general consensus was that she was a better "Live Pet of the Day" than the incessantly barking dog that visited yesterday. She was also better than the pond fish who visited Sunday evening. Actually, a lot better than one particular fish: Sunday's guest dog caught it by the tail and jerked it out of the bucket of water. If not for a swift save by a tunic-clad leader, there would have been a little food chain action right in the middle of Galilee by the Sea.

Thankfully, there was none of that kind of drama today. So here's to 522 little hands, warm bread, and Lily, our "Live Pet of the Day."


Jennifer said...

Fun! Bet Lilly had a big bath afterward.

I have been checking on your blog. Enjoyed what you put in about your cat. Myself have 2 cats with plenty of stories.

May how did you set up the collage with pictures?

Anonymous said...

If only Lily could talk, I wonder what her side of the story would be. Did she tell Tinsel all about her adventure at Bible School?

Janet said...

Thanks for visiting my little blog, "Here and There"! No bath for Lily, yet, although that would probably be a good idea, huh?? :-)

See today's post for info about photo collages. Hope this helps!

Maureen said...

Ah, good for Lily! I'll bet she loved being the center of all that attention!