15 June 2007

Feline Friday: AM Routine

What's your morning routine? We all have certain tasks we do every morning to get ready for our day. If you're a cat at our house, your routine is very specific and may vary seasonally as the sunny spots change, but in general it goes something like this:

Crack of Dawn -- Rise and shine!
Lily wakes up and begins picking at doors, clawing at walls, and meowing piteously..."Feed me!" Tinsel sleeps until someone is ready to get up.

6:00 AM -- Breakfast
Lily woofs down all of her food and Tinsel's too. Cats are shifted and put into confined areas so that Tinsel can eat. Lily escapes and fighting ensues.

6:15 AM -- Treat
Cats wait by the fridge (see top left photo) for a morsel of deli ham or turkey, a real highlight of their day. Lily gets a series of tiny morsels in order to occupy her while Tinsel enjoys her larger piece.

7:00 AM -- Personal hygiene
Lily spreads her front legs and washes her belly sitting up, redneck fashion (see top right photo). Tinsel bathes daintily. Both kitties use one of our three litter boxes. Lily plays in the litter and scatters it all around the floor.

8:30 AM until noon -- Nap time
Lily walks along aimlessly, then flops down to nap in any random, sunny spot she happens to find. Tinsel always naps behind the large plant in a jungle-like setting (see lower photos). Kitties shift positions as the sun moves overhead.

This is the morning routine. Unless something unexpected happens, it's the same every day. You can almost set your watch to it. According to Stephen Covey, "Our character is basically a composite of our habits." This is certainly true of Tinsel and Lily. How about you?


Anonymous said...

I like the routine except they start way to early in the day.
9 a.m. is a more civil time to start. Great pictures of Lily and Tinsel. They have a great life.

Lynn said...

I love their routine! Especially the nap. I feel like I could use one right now, lol. Tinsel is more like my dog Lacey. She could sleep in until the cows come in! Not to mention she takes a nap all day long! Too funny.

Jill said...

:-) :-) What a life! My kids posted up our cats' chores just under their own on the fridge, includes stuff like, "Lay in cute positions, mess up bathroom, jump on table." :-)

Heather said...

I just have to say that I always love reading the antics of your kitties! You make me want to do some more random blogging about the funny things that our cats & dogs do.

Maureen said...

Great post... sounds very simliar to the mornings in our home with two cats and a dog. They definitely have a routine each day too (even on weekends; I just wish they would come to understand the concept of "sleeping in")