26 May 2007

Cooking Not Required

My cooking skills are fairly limited. Poor, actually. Even disastrous, on occasion. When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's, I strongly resisted any attempts made by my mother to domesticize me. As a result of this, I have very few domestic skills (that would include anything in the "home-making" department). I've never regretted this and have made no attempts to acquire such skills.

It is quite ironic, then, that I have taught several recipe album classes. I've just finished up a really simple flip-book recipe album class to be offered in September at Memory Bound . For this project, I used Flair Design's "What's Cooking?" line.

I always tell people who come to my recipe classes about my culinary disasters. I find it funny that without exception, these people actually CAN cook and DO cook. They even have recipes that they might put in such a book.

So I leave the recipes to them. I know my limits.


Melanie said...

Your recipe flip book class project looks AWESOME!! I also teach a lot of recipe classes and really like what you;ve done!!


Anonymous said...


I'm going to try and remember to sign up for this. I have a few special recipes that I want to get into an album. Love that Flair Designs!