12 April 2010

Early Spring

I made a quick survey of our yard this weekend to confirm that my perennials survived the winter. Based on what I observed, I'm optimistic that most everything I planted last year is coming back, along with my old standbys. Snow must indeed be a good insulator!

I also noticed that many spring plants are in bloom or ready to do so very soon. Here are a few images captured around our yard:

Let's see if I can name them, beginning at the top left corner (click on the image to bigify):

1) Vinca groundcover -- A slow growing but pretty groundcover with simple purple flowers.

2) Daffodils (or jonquils?) -- This particular set has very tiny blooms.

3) and 4) Hyacinth --See if you can find Mr. Bumblebee! We received a pot of pink hyacinths when our daughter was born. These may no longer be from that same batch of bulbs, but they always remind me of her. :-)

5) Pasque (=Easter in French) flowers -- This unusual plant is one of the earliest bloomers each spring, hence the name.

6) Virginia bluebells -- Almost ready to bloom! My bluebells came from my late grandma's yard. She loved them and so do I.

7) Grape hyacinth -- Spreads easily...so pretty! Apparently makes good rabbit snacks.

8) Coralbells -- I have several different varieties around the yard. Love the color of this one.

9) Sedum -- Beautiful succulent, very hardy and heat tolerant. I've divided my sedum plants a few times and now have several!


Sarah Coggins said...

Gorgeous! My favorite part of spring - all the beautiful colors in bloom. :)

Heather said...

They are all beautiful Janet! We have some corabells and some sedum. Amazingly all of the plants I planted last year are coming back. (I thought I'd killed them!)My bleeding hearts are already blooming!

Kristina said...

Looks very pretty!

Jill said...

I love bigifying. Although as hobbies go it's hard to find the time...

Very pretty garden too!