22 March 2010

Moving Right Along...

I'm continuing on my quest to finish my daughter's layouts in time for graduation, but I'm also trying to work in a few "real life" pages as I go. After all (and I think I've said this before...) life is not just a series of performances and events!

These photos (from 2007) are of our annual gathering with Spouse's high school friends. It's pretty neat that after ALL THESE YEARS (yes, we are old!), he and his friends have stayed close. It's also pretty neat that as spouses came along through the years, they've been "adopted" into the group. For an outsider, it would be really hard to tell who's an original and who's an add-on!

I especially appreciate those lifelong friendships because I haven't been at all good at keeping in touch with people from high school or college. (Okay, I'm not even good at keeping in touch with my family, including those living in this house!) Facebook, by the way, has been great at helping me fix all that.

ANYWAY (I'm imagining my Daughter saying, "MOM, GET TO THE POINT!"), this is a simple layout which will accommodate three (trimmed) horizontal photos. The white "mat" is a full sheet of 8.5x11 cardstock, which makes the page go together very quickly. I've used this design once before and will definitely use it again, since I seem to have an abundance of horizontal photos.


Sarah Coggins said...

Ooh, I like that design! Must lift. :) How neat that your DH has managed to keep in touch with these friends since H.S. I'm like you and pretty much just moved on. I do still have a couple friends from college, but have long lost touch with H.S. ones. tfs!

Jill said...

That is great that he's managed to keep up with his high school friends like that. I always have to borrow my brother's high school friends, because he's so good at keeping up.

Debbie said...

Great layout, you are really moving along on your daughter's album! And I really enjoyed reading about Lily's "new heights" adventure.

Cheri said...

Love the design; echo the comment "must lift" :)

Janet said...

Aw, thank you! Gotta love grid paper...it's almost as good as STRIPES! lol