20 May 2009

Garden Project #2

I'm undertaking a few long overdue garden projects this spring. I've already shared a bit about the garden overhaul in front of the house. This week, I'm working on the perennial beds behind the house.

The areas in question include one of the gardens next to our patio and the narrow border along the back and side of our house. They are all connected, so I consider this one big bed with three sections. When we first moved into our house, these areas were all full sun, but now that the trees are bigger, they have transitioned to partial shade gardens. Over time, many of the perennials have died or have had to be moved to sunnier spots.

The "before" photos in the collage above were taken last May (click to enlarge, if you dare!). You can see several gaps in the beds. Right after I took these photos, my mom passed away so I didn't do a thing with the beds all summer long. You can only imagine how pitiful they looked by the end of the summer.
And here's the "after" shot (click to enlarge...this collage is not nearly as scary!). This week, I've spent several hours moving plants and adding many new perennials plus a few annuals for color. Of course, a few bags of mulch help everything look a little fresher.

I'm going to keep a careful eye on these areas and see how the new plants perform. If the gaps don't fill in as I expect (or if the plants don't do well), I'll add more annuals or perennials. I'm hoping that with a little more effort and attention this spring and summer, I can make these areas colorful and interesting -- and hopefully a little less embarrassing!

Next on my list: Only two more major garden overhauls to go! :-)


Katie said...

I love your garden beds!! Fabulous. If you like hostas, you need to go to the "Flying Frog Hosta Farm." It is the most amazing hosta place I have ever been to!!

Maureen said...

Beautiful job Janet! So jealous.

I spent seven hours gardening one day this weekend, and then collapsed the next day from sore muscles and an earache (it was windy).

How ironic that when we are young we are too busy to garden, and now that age has creeped up, we have more time, but less energy to garden! (At least for me, that is). But I vow to actually get my place in shape this year!

Kristina said...

Looks GREAT! Watch those palm froths, they can really be invasive. I had so many at my other house I was begging people to come over and dig. Next year it's really going to look awesome.

Sarah Coggins said...

They look wonderful! So full and lush with the new plants and mulch. Can you come work on mine next? I would, but the belly is getting in the way. LOL :D

Janet said...

Thank you, guys!
Katie - I will have to check out that place. Never heard of it!

Maureen - Believe me, I felt it last night! But it's not because I'm OLD, mind you! I just used new muscles, that's all. :-)

Kristina - Are you looking at the enlargement of the fern-like plant? If so, it's actually a Jacob's Ladder which I've had for a couple of years and hasn't moved! Or is it something else you're seeing?

Sarah - Thank you! Enjoy the belly while you can! lol

Judy said...

Thanks for sharing these great before and after shots. We worked out in our flower beds a week or so ago, but they still need more attention. You have great splashes of color..and to me that is what spring is all about.

toners said...

Wow, Janet, your garden looks gorgeous! Enjoy the results of all your hard work :)

Benita said...

Your flower beds are gorgeous! Wanna come & do mine now? :) I am so NOT a gardener! And I have weeds growing everywhere :(

Kristina said...

You're right Janet. I should have bigified the photo...it's not palm...palm, hollyhock and morning glory were the bane of my gardening existence for many years.