28 January 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Debbie said...

Great photo, such a beautiful cat.

Linda said...

Awww, she is so pretty.

Daisy said...

Lily looks very proud of herself! As well she should be.

Benita said...

Awwww.....just look at that expression on her face!

Sarah Coggins said...

That looks like the face Chester makes when he's sniffing the air. Too cute. :)

Janet said...

Thanks! Poor Lily could hardly keep her eyes open!

I'm always happy to see her sleeping in her expensive cat basket. I bought it for her at the cat show because she was having such a bad time and I felt guilty for dragging her there! Paid way too much for it! lol

Maureen said...

Now THAT looks comfy...

Jill said...

SO CUTE!!!! I was just wondering if that was a special cat basket & how on earth you got her to sit in it if so! Well, for whatever it's worth, it's a PRETTY cat basket! And she uses it, so money well spent, right? :-)