27 May 2011

Feline Friday: CAT VAC!

Todai mi mommi tryed a differnt kind of brush on meee....a vakkume!

I knowed about dis ting becuz I seed her play wif it on da floor. Tinsul haytes it--she runz wen shee heers da noyze but I haf been kuriuss about it for a long tyme.

So I finalie letted mi mommie brush me wif da soft brush. It sucked up mi furs!

Mommi wuz so eccited she runned to get da kamra! I never seed her so eccited about vakkumeen!

Luv, Lily


Jill said...

Oh Lily how BRAVE!!!!!!!!!! Sugar and Nimue both run far, far away when they hear a vacuum cleaner!

Heather said...

I wish I could do this to ours. They are terrified of the vacuum, even when it's turned off!

Kristina said...

Tucker lets us vacuum him, but the other run for dear life....lol

Anonymous said...

My sister used a Dust Buster on her cat, and he loved it! Mine? No way, no how.