18 November 2019

Too Many Sheets!

After last weekend's organization project, I tackled our skinny linen closet. It was absolutely PACKED FULL -- I mean things were actually SHOVED IN THERE, I'm ashamed to say. I have no idea how it got this out of control but it was clearly way past time to deal with it. I consider myself an organized person but this closet was so bad that I have just completely ignored it.

Now seemed like a good time to tackle the linen closet because the new mattress we just ordered is a different size than the one we have now. It makes no sense to keep sheets for mattress sizes we no longer own and probably won't have in the future. 

Well, it turns out the entire closet was full of sheets that no longer fit. For instance...

There were sheets for my daughter's old twin bed which has long ago been replaced with a deeper, more comfy twin bed. So the old sheets no longer fit it.

There were sheets for our old queen-sized mattress which has also been replaced with a pillow-top bed. Because it's much deeper than our old mattress, none of the old sheets fit our newer one.

The new mattress we just ordered is a full size and replaces a very, very old extra long twin bed. As a result, all of the extra long sheets are no longer needed in this house.

By the time I sorted out all the sets we no longer need, I realized we actually have no extra sheets for our daughter's bed or our own bed. That's OK because we just wash them and put them right back on. Right now, we have no sheets at all for the new bed which arrives next week.

BUT we do have plenty of gently used sheets that will hopefully go to families who can use them! I was excited to make a delivery of two full laundry baskets to our local hospice thrift store. I hope that all of these sheets will soon be on their way to new homes!

 In addition to the sheets, one entire shelf was taken up with light bulbs of every possible shape and wattage. After sorting out those we no longer need, I took an entire box to our local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store.

The end result is not glamorous, but now there is a bit of extra space in the closet -- and the door actually closes! Why did I wait so long to tackle this project?

On to the next one: Cleaning out all the drawers in each of the bedrooms. YIKES!


Kimberly Marie said...

Having just recently moved, I can’t tell you how much unnecessary STUFF we had that went to the local Goodwill stores!! Like you, I was so ashamed it had gotten so out of control! Now, we only have anything in this house that we need. Yes, there are some storage bins of sentimental things I did not want to part with, but beyond that, we all feel amazingly better to have decluttered with our downsize!! Your closet looks great, and I’ll bet you don’t cringe every time you pass by it anymore! I always catch myself going back to just stare at how nice the new organization looks!! Lol!

Janet said...

Wow, good for you! It's so hard to make those decisions about what to keep and what to let go of, but I do know it's a great feeling to travel a bit lighter! ;)

Now I just need to keep going and do more of what you've done, Kimberly Marie. I'm excited to catch up on your move! Congrats on your new home!