22 November 2019

Feline Friday

Well, unfortunately, this week brought a trip back to the vet for Miss Lily. I had observed her scooting right after using the litter box over the course of a couple of days and since it had occurred multiple times, I knew something was not quite right in the "back end". 

I REALLY didn't want to take her to the vet out of concern that the stress of going could cause her to develop cystitis again. But the persisent scooting warranted attention, so off we went.  

Our vet worked us into his busy schedule, so I had to leave her there for a couple of hours. He actually thought that might be a GOOD thing, since they would not be rushing her as much. So they let Lily hang out in the kennel area for awhile before sedating her and by all accounts, she wasn't as frantic and stressed as at her last visit. When I picked her up, she was fully awake and doing fine in her carrier. Last time, she was slow to wake up and growling the entire time.

Sure enough, one of those pesky anal glands was clogged AGAIN after barely one month's time. In addition, the urinalysis showed the very beginning of a UTI, so she was given an antibiotic shot for that uncomfortable problem. 

 She was a little cranky and wound up when we got home, but eventually she fell asleep for most of the evening.

The next day, she was much perkier and no longer scooting. YIPPEE!

SIGH. As much as I wanted the daily pumpkin to fix her clogged anal glands, it seems that pumpkin is not the cure-all I'd hoped it would be. Still, it appears to be helping at least SOME, so we'll continue on with it. The added fiber also bulks up her food and (I think) helps her feel fuller longer, so hopefully it will be good for her weight loss program, too.

I guess this is our "new normal", so we'll do the best we can with it. I'm just glad sweet Lily is back to her normal self!
Happy Feline Friday!

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