08 March 2019

Feline Friday with Rory!

 I've had a good excuse for the lack of posts this last week: I was in Texas visiting my girls, Bailey and her sweet kitty, Rory!

 I was a bit under the weather with a sinus infection on this trip, but it didn't stop me from enjoying every minute! Of course, I loved hanging out with our daughter who I don't get to see nearly often enough. 

And Rory is just about the sweetest kitty EVER. I took so many pictures of her on this trip that it will take me more than one blog post to share them. So brace yourselves for a LOT of Cousin Rory!

She loves the kicker I sent to her! It's a good thing that it's extremely well-made because this girl delivers some SERIOUS bunny kicks!

Bailey was working during my visit, and on the first day I got up after she left to find sweet Rory a bit puzzled to see me. But it didn't take long for her to remember that she had a visitor.

 As soon as I had my coffee in hand, she nestled right in on my lap!

And let me tell you, this cat is HUGE! I don't mean that in a disparaging way (although her mama does have her on a diet). She weighs 12 pounds but carries it well on her ginormous frame. When you pick her up, it feels like you're lifting a Thanksgiving turkey. Cousin Rory is solid muscle!

Rory, who is 4 years old now, didn't start out a lap cat. It took some time for her to jump on laps, and then she'd only stay for a few minutes. Now she'll stay a very long time, so long that you need someone to bring you a refill on your coffee because you don't want to move! And her paws...well, we'll get into that in another post!

The first day of my visit, I stayed home with hopes of feeling (FELINE) better, enjoying a quiet day with my book and my new best friend. SEE HOW BIG SHE IS?
It was such a treat to spend time with my girls! I'm so glad Rory is a full-fledged lap cat now!

Happy Feline Friday, y'all!


Kimberly Marie said...

Wow! She IS a big girl, but so much more to cuddle and love! It’s so nice that you were able to take a trip and visit with Bailey. Sorry you weren’t feeling up to par, but hopefully you’re doing much better now!

Janet said...

Thank you, Kimberly Marie! Feeling better now but still a ways to go. If spring would come, I know that would help! :)