12 April 2018

Found On My Phone


File this one under  "You know you're doing genealogy when..."

 I was deleting photos from my phone recently and noticed that among the hundreds of cat photos I now have pictures like these:

Yep, this is what happens when you're looking for ancestors.

 While having headstone pictures on your phone might seem a bit jarring, these images are part of each person's story. So many of these people are lost to history, and I find it sad that sometimes the only information I have about them is what comes from the headstone. They may have lived very ordinary lives but they no doubt worked hard and cared for their families. And if they hadn't lived, I wouldn't be here today, so for that I am grateful. And that is reason enough to record their stories as best I can.

 "Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?"

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