09 July 2014

A Few (Very) Good Things

Today's post is a random collection of (very) good things I've enjoyed over the past few days.

1. I made a hot pad! Don't ask why, but I suddenly had the urge to dig out my old loom and whip one up. We definitely didn't need more hot pads, but it was fun to sit down and create something start to finish in a very short amount of time. (Not counting the one complete do-over!)

 2. In spite of their many issues, there are enough flowers blooming in my gardens that I can easily make bouquets right now. This vase was part of my mom's green glass collection. It's the first time I've used it since I brought it home last summer.

  3. I found a new drink which is probably an old drink to most people: The Cosmopolitan. And it includes cranberry juice, so it's almost good for you! :)

 4. This girl. Those paws! Precious.

5.  When Spouse picked up a coffee for me, our local Starbucks barista added this sweet note. She's the best. For our sake, I hope she never finishes all of those degrees she's working on. :)

6. Banh Mi Lemongrass Pork from Tacopocalypse in the East Village. I was too busy eating it to take a photo but this a pretty good likeness. This sandwich is one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted. I wanted to go back the next day and have another one. And just $4? Ridiculous!

 7. We're very fortunate to live in a development with a large well-managed prairie. We went on a prairie walk with a guide last night and could not believe how beautiful it is right now. This photo doesn't begin to do it justice. I'll be going back soon with my camera when the light is a little better. It's truly stunning.

 These are just a few of the good things I've enjoyed in the past week. As I've finished up some big stuff in my life, I've so appreciated having a bit more time to appreciate good things like this!

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