#1: Have you started to make your Christmas cards?
The short answer: No.
I hope I can get started on that project by the first part of December and not wait until December 20! :-) For the past couple of years, I've made most/all of my cards using leftover bits of Christmas stuff. It's a great way to use up odds and ends, and I plan to do that again this year with one exception: My friend, Connie, has put together an adorable Christmas card kit for purchase, so I'll be making her cards. I'm looking forward to following Connie's directions and not having to think so much! lol
I always write the dreaded holiday letter to send out to friends and family, so I'll have to get that done to include with the cards.
#2: How do you feel about celebrating your birthday?
The short answer: I hate it.
Birthdays make me sad in general. I guess it's the evidence of getting older that I don't really like. Yes, I'm in denial. :-) But if I don't FEEL older, why do I have to BE older?
#3: What do you have on your Christmas list?
The short answer: Nothing.
Spouse and I don't exchange Christmas gifts. If there is something we need for the house, we'll buy that, but for the most part we don't give gifts. Santa brings a few small trinkets for our stockings...if we've been good!
None of us cares for the materialistic aspect of Christmas (in fact, I've actually seen our daughter cry about this on Christmas morning), so we've been trying to refocus on the significance of the holiday. For the past few years, we have cut way down on gift-giving at Christmas. We truly do not need any more possessions, so we adopt a family and use our money to buy gifts for them. We go shopping together and have fun picking out goodies for each person on the list. We're planning to do it again this year.
Without the stress of shopping, we find that we can focus on the real meaning of the holiday. We have more time for decorating, baking, attending Christmas concerts, and just enjoying the season. Most importantly, it's a really good feeling to wake up on Christmas morning and know that you've helped a family have a brighter day.
Hopefully you'll have your kit soon so that you can get started BEFORE Dec. 1!
I write the letter also, and I love getting them.
So, do you decorate for Christmas?
Does Lily enjoy a tree. We can't have glass ornaments or tinsel in ours because of the cats.
Connie-No rush! I'm used to making cards at the last minute! :-D
Karen--I do quite a bit of decorating for Christmas. We have several trees and I have a village that I put up. Like you, I had to take down all the breakable ornaments last year. Lily creates complete chaos with the decorating. Last year I had to tether the trees!! I have some pics on my blog from last December!! :-D
I need to start thinking about my cards too. I have been putting it off like a good procrastinator.
I labored at making cards a couple years, but sincerely hate it...so now I don't even send cards. I do the 4 x 8 (or whatever the standard is) photo greeting plus a letter in a big envelope. I do a bare-bones outline and make Spouse actually write the letter. Otherwise, there won't be one...that was my ultimatum. I can't do everything:(
May I say I'm really glad dogs don't climb Christmas trees? :)
Follow-up thought on my message: but little boys might try it...you just never know with them!
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