Early one morning this week, I went downstairs in the dark to make a pot of coffee.
"CRUNCH-CRUNCH-CRUNCH" I heard as I rounded the corner to the kitchen. It was clearly the sound of a kitty eating, but which kitty, and what was she crunching? Lily was shut in the basement (for bad behavior, as usual), and Tinsel hadn't yet been fed.
I flipped on the light and there was Tinsel, up on the counter and muzzle-deep in Lily's food container. She had removed the lid and was helping herself to a bountiful breakfast.

Now such behavior would not be at all unusual for Lily, but Tinsel has NEVER done anything as bold as this. It would never even occur to Tinsel to try to remove the lid from a food container. But she has obviously watched Lily do it, and now she can do it, too.
"CRUNCH-CRUNCH-CRUNCH" I heard as I rounded the corner to the kitchen. It was clearly the sound of a kitty eating, but which kitty, and what was she crunching? Lily was shut in the basement (for bad behavior, as usual), and Tinsel hadn't yet been fed.
I flipped on the light and there was Tinsel, up on the counter and muzzle-deep in Lily's food container. She had removed the lid and was helping herself to a bountiful breakfast.
Now such behavior would not be at all unusual for Lily, but Tinsel has NEVER done anything as bold as this. It would never even occur to Tinsel to try to remove the lid from a food container. But she has obviously watched Lily do it, and now she can do it, too.
In fact, since I snapped this picture, Daughter has actually seen Tinsel remove the lid by repeatedly pulling it upward with her paw.
Lily has obviously been a bad influence on Tinsel, but I do admit it that it's pretty cute. :-) And it's proof that you can (or Lily can) teach an "older" cat new tricks!
Lily has obviously been a bad influence on Tinsel, but I do admit it that it's pretty cute. :-) And it's proof that you can (or Lily can) teach an "older" cat new tricks!
They can actually pull off the lids? Wow, now you need more protection than Tupperware can provide! Wasn't there an old commercial where the lady deadbolts her lids on as an example of a tight seal? You need one of those...
That's hilarious only because it's not happening to me. What Tinsel won't do to be on Feline Friday, eh? ;)
Note to self: Don't show this post to any of my cats.
Oh my goodness! Your cats are very mischievous! :D All of our food is in plastic containers stored in a cabinet out of view. But, of course, they know which cabinet and will sit in front of it hollering when they want more. LOL Thankfully, they have not learned how to open the cabinet door. Yet. *fingers crossed* ;)
Hahaha....that's too funny! Glad you were able to get a picture of it, too :)
Yes, we also have a bad influence kitty in our household and like Maureen said in her post above, I'm so not showing this to any of our cats.
bwahahahahah...Tinsel has been corrupted! (I am secretly kind of proud of LIly for corrupting her sister). She shows real leadership qualities
Ours do that too! Sometimes in the wee hours of the morning we'll see Aspen trying to knock over the Rubbermaid container where their food is kept, and then Bailey will nudge the lid off once it is loosened after the fall...you're not alone! :)
Wow that's impressive- I can understand pulling the lid off some of the cheapie plastic things, but isn't that Tupperware?!?!?!
Maybe Tinsel really taught Lily to do it, so she would get the blame, and now Tinsel is coming out of the closet about it and she's "letting" you catch her at it!!
Sneaky Sneaky!!
That is really funny and impressive!
Bwahahahahaha! That is very cunning:) Beagles can be pretty cunning as well...I was always glad Reuben was as mellow (read lazy) as he was. I have heard of beagles pushing chairs across the kitchen to get up on the counter to reach goodies, and even a beagle or two who *GASP* learned how to open the refrigerator door!
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