08 August 2008

Feline Friday: Eukanuba Bonanza!

After pouring Lily's food into the storage container, I made the mistake of leaving the lid off and stepping outside to toss the empty bag.

When I came back in, Lily and Tinsel were taking full advantage of the open container.

Of course, I allowed the feeding frenzy to continue only long enough to find my camera. Then snap! I closed the lid.

Fun's over, girls!


mborrero said...

look Mommy gave us a food pooL!

Let's dive right in...

i heard them say that...

living creating & appreciating
my blog- melina

A Wonderful World said...

Funny. I can't leave an unopened bag of food out, or my kitty will tear holes in it trying to get to the buffet.

Linda said...

They are so cute...smart too for getting a snack while they can.

When I changed over my blog I lost all my widgets except for my blog link list, blog archive and profile. This time when I made the change I copied all of the code into a word document so it would be easier to put back. Much easier this time.

Maureen said...

Ha! Smart (and quick!) cats!!! Mine even try eating the dog's food... silly cats.

Krissynae said...

My Dogs did that the other day. I knocked the bag of dry over and gracie decided to open it up and start munching away. Great story