14 July 2006

Ever Feel Like This?

Well, this is how I feel today, or at least what I'd like to be doing. Oh, to be a kitty and get to do this most of the day!

On another, equally important subject, may I mention that I think Lily is the best $40 I've ever spent? She has grown quite a bit in the last couple of weeks. Her legs seem quite long, but her body remains fairly lean, except in the tummy area. (Don't we all have that problem?) Contributing to the tummy bulge is the fact that we continue to have trouble keeping her out of people food. This week, she has demonstrated that she will eat the following: lettuce, dry cereal, oreo pie (not good for cats, obviously), coffee (also not a good thing), bread, peanut butter, jelly (those last three were part of the same incident), dryer sheets, paper napkins (straight out of our napkin basket), corn, mashed potatoes, popsicles...the list goes on. I am all too aware that she should not be sampling these things. Believe me, we are doing our best to keep her in check, but the little thing is FAST! And persistent.

And right now, all stretched out. We've both had a long week.


Maureen said...

Awwww....too CUTE! I love it when our cats lay out their backs; really sweet. Lately our youngest has taken a liking to the toilet paper roll... many a day I come home from work and she has unrolled it all over the bathroom! She also "eats" kleenex out of the box...I have to stuff it inside so she can't get into it. Wierd....

Melissa said...

that picture is too cute!! your kitty is just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Not only is Lily cute, furry, fuzzy, and sweet, but she is also known as our personal vacuum cleaner! :-D

Sofia said...

Awwww What a sweetie! And I thought my cats were weird! Gerdie goes crazy when I have popcorn. She won't leave me alone until I give her a piece. Then she'll kind of chew on in and spit it out. She also insists on drinking out of my water glass instead of out of her bowl.