01 October 2021

Feline Friday

We recently brought the ladder inside to hang our new blinds. As you can see, this ladder is not meant for serious work. It's a little rickety and is adorned with pipe cleaners and kitty toys from way back. Sweet Tinsel and Lily always enjoyed playing on the ladder in their younger days. It was a little like the cat tree that we didn't have back then.

 From time to time, the ladder comes back inside for some utilitarian purpose. And even though it may have been awhile, Lily always remembers it.


 She has to be supervised carefully, though, because a couple of years ago she apparently fell from the ladder and injured her leg. So I stay with her while she does her acrobatics. She rolls around on the little shelf, with her tummy hanging down between the slats. It's adorable and terrifying at the same time.

After a few days of fun, the ladder went back into the garage. One day it will be back inside for some as yet unknown project and I have no doubt that in no time at all, Lily will be back in acrobat mode!

Happy Feline Friday!

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