17 February 2023

Feline Friday

Although Lily used to be a lap cat, she isn't a lap cat anymore. For the past few years, she has refused to sit on my lap, except for when I'm having breakfast and have my feet up on the rung of the chair. If I'm sitting on the couch with my feet up on the ottoman, my legs are slightly inclined which must be uncomfortable for her.

Lately I've been actually lying down on the couch in an effort to get her to stay on my lap. It seems to be working, at least part of the time! Although I have to put her on my lap, she'll often get comfy and stay for awhile.

 The downside is that if I'm totally lying down, we BOTH fall asleep! :)

10 February 2023

Feline Friday with Rory

 It’s time for our occasional dose of cuteness from Cousin Rory in Texas!

Texas recently went through another cold spell, meaning that Rory had to stay undercovers for a few days. Her fur is much thinner than Lily's so she seems to get chilly!

Once the ice melted and it warmed back up again, she was back to her normal "patrols" around the house. Rory keeps an eye on most everything -- watching out for wildlife, fighting neighbor cats through the windows, and capturing small lizards that somehow make their way inside (YIKES).

 Except when she's snoozing, of course! Then absolutely NOTHING gets done! :)

03 February 2023

Feline Friday

 We're in the deep freeze here in Iowa but now that the Christmas trees are finally put away, Lily's cat tree has been moved back to its sunny spot next to the kitchen window. This is her favorite place to nap in the afternoons, provided the sun is shining.

When I approach her softly, she instantly begins to purr and those little feets start making "air biscuits" -- kneading in and out, in and out. It's just about the cutest thing you've ever seen!

Here's to plenty of time this weekend on your own "cat tree" or similar relaxing spot!