27 March 2020

Feline Friday: Cat-Sitting

Earlier this month, I went on a school cruise with our daughter. It was a lot of fun and I'm happy we made it back without incident! I arrived a couple of days early for our trip and got to spend one full day CAT-SITTING the adorable RORY while our daughter was at work. What a treat!

After making myself a cup of coffee with Daughter's fancy coffee set-up, I settled in on the couch with my book and the subject of today's post. On this visit, she was very cuddly and I had no trouble keeping her on my lap.

I mean, look at this! I could barely contain myself with all the CUTE happening!

  Later, we got out all the tissue paper that Santa sent and had a little bit of fun sliding around in it.

  By the time her Meowmy got home, it looked like there had been some kind of wild party in the living room. 😸


 We even checked in on Lily from time to time using our nanny cam. What a comfort it is to have this camera hooked up so we can look in on her! Here you can see she's stationed at her feeder having her 3pm snack.


But as much as I loved hanging out with Rory, I enjoyed the time spent with our daughter even more!

Stay safe out there, blogging friends!
Happy Feline Friday!

20 March 2020

Feline Friday - Morning Wake-Up Call

Wow, so much has changed since last Friday. We hope all of our blogging friends are staying safe and well. 

Rest assured, nothing has changed in Lily's world. Each morning, lest I be late with serving breakfast, she sits on my chest (hard to ignore nearly 12 pounds of sweetness) and stares at me, willing me to open my eyes. Amazingly, this technique always works!

 She even styles my hair so I'm looking my best when I head to the kitchen. (And no, there will be no pictures of said hairstyles. 😅)

 I'm grateful for my sweet buddy every day!

Stay well, friends!
jp and Lily

13 March 2020

Feline Friday

I got to spend the past week with Cousin Rory's meowmy as we went on a school cruise together. We had a very nice time and made it back safely. WHEW!

I also got to see Cousin Rory for just a bit at the beginning and end of my visit. She's thoroughly enjoying the tissue paper that Santa brought her. :)

She's ready for the hair stylist! 


She couldn't be sweeter. More on my visit later! 

Happy Feline Friday!

06 March 2020

Feline Friday

So apparently there are now Snapchat filters for cats. This means that I occasionally get texts like this from Rory.

I don't mind in the least. 

03 March 2020

Violet Farm Update

I'm still loving my violets! In fact, I've got so many right now that I almost have a space problem. I can't wait until they start blooming again! That will be a beautiful sight!

As you can see, those two ginormous violets at the right need to be divided ASAP. Both of those plants will result in several new babies. That's next on the list!

Awhile back, I divided another large violet which resulted in three new plants (hence the space problem). In the past, I've never done anything other than re-pot them, but I recently saw a video (GardenAnswer -- my favorite garden YouTube channel!) suggesting that you put the baby violets in a closed plastic bag for a month. This creates a terrarium-like environment which gives them a good start.

So I decided to try it. Once the baby violets were potted, I put them into large plastic bags and loosely clipped the tops shut. The violets were well-watered before going into the bags so the bag didn't need to be opened for a month.


I checked them frequently and after 2-3 weeks, I noticed that a mold or fungus was starting to form on the soil. I'm quite sure that I over-watered the violets before putting them into the bags. Because of this, I had to remove them earlier than planned.

Once out of the bags, I cleaned up the soil and just left them out. The new violets are continuing to thrive! I don't know if the bag treatment is 100% necessary since I've had good luck without it, but if you've struggled with getting new violets started, it is definitely worth a try!