25 November 2019

Some Succulent Success

Succulents are SUPPOSED to be easy to grow. But for whatever reason, I've struggled with mine. They shrivel up or get all squishy. Or the leaves fall off. Once someone told me to set them outside in the sun and THIS HAPPENED.

I am truly sorry for all of the succulents who have met their demise under my well-meaning but obviously somewhat incompetent care!

But now I think there's reason to have hope: I've found Laura at Garden Answer.

If you're looking for a wonderful, knowledgeable resource for all things green and growing, Laura is it. Visit her extensive YouTube channel for playlists about landscape gardening, containers, succulents, fairy gardens, and much more. Laura is incredibly talented and I've learned so much watching her!

 Laura's succulent containers are spectacular...way beyond my pitiful attempts, but I've definitely picked up some tips. First, I need to pack my succulent dish much fuller. So I recently replanted it and with the tighter arrangement, everything seems to be doing better. The plants are holding each other up and filling in the space pretty nicely. In fact, I have room for a couple more small ones in this dish.

I also learned to water them with a turkey baster. It lets me squirt water right around the base of each plant, allowing me to be much more precise than just watering under the faucet or with a pitcher. 

I've kept a closer eye on the intervals between watering and have extended it out from two to three weeks. The leaves on some were feeling squishy and that can mean too much water. I think three weeks between watering is good for now but we'll see how things go through the winter.

I'm really hopeful, for the sake of these sweet little succulents, that I'm doing the right things to keep them alive this time. FINGERS CROSSED!

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