13 April 2022

Good Advice for Living

 I ran across this recently and boy, did it ring true to me. 

Am I guilty of most -- or all -- of these? YEP.

Would I be better off if I STOPPED doing them? DEFINITELY.

I've recently been paying a lot more attention to the role that anxiety has been playing in my life. All of the items on this list contribute to my anxiety.

And I'm so invested in looking calm to the outside world that I internalize my anxiety. Suffice it to say, it has taken a toll on my health and well-being.

I'm on the mend now, and I think things will be even better if I just stop doing a FEW of these things. Being aware of them is the first step.

Here's to a healthier 2022!


Kimberly Marie said...

I am right with you, Janet! Those of us who are kind, considerate and meek are the ones who give, give and give some more only to feel very cheated and defeated after all we’ve sacrificed for others on account of trying to just get along in life. This is the first year that I’ve finally gotten the mentality of letting go of what is really not my problem to have to figure out or deal with, and also coming to the point of not caring as much about all that seemed so important at one time, but really just robbed me of things I now know are what’s truly important - peace and happiness in life! God bless you as you move forward in your new frame of mind and focus on you. (Your health, your peace of mind, things that truly matter to you, and engaging in activities that bring happiness and a complete sense of well being to your mind, body and soul! {{hugs}}

Janet said...

Thanks so much for your sweet words! I am so sorry you've been going through all of this. It's easy to put ourselves last and find that our cup is completely empty after awhile. I'm so glad you're reframing things to prioritize your well-being! Have a wonderful day and thanks again for stopping by! :)