16 July 2021

Feline Friday

Awhile back, we invested in an automatic feeder for Lily, one that she couldn't pry open. Twice a day, it dispenses her delicious dry morsels into a metal bowl. From Day 1, she recognized the sound of her Food Drop and would come running.

It didn't take long before she figured out the TIMES of her food drops, too. An hour or so before the programmed hour, she positions herself near the feeder so as not to be even a second late.

On a couple of occasions, we've had to change the times of her food drops and amazingly, Lily's figured that out, too. Yes, she even tells time!

Recently, we changed the time of her afternoon food drop dramatically to 5:30 am, a welcome change for all as it keeps her from begging me incessantly to get up and feed her. She does wake me up, however, at 4:30 am when she suddenly opens her eyes, stretches, and runs to the kitchen. Can't be late for breakfast, you know!

Her evening food drop is currently set for 9pm and at 8pm, like clockwork, you can count on seeing Lily near her feeder, watching it intently.

 Even if she's sound asleep, she somehow WAKES HERSELF UP and gets to the feeder well in advance.


A girl just can't risk being late for a tasty meal of Royal Canin Moderate Calorie Urinary SO. YUM! 😉

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