17 April 2020

Feline Friday: Staying Home with Lily

Now that we've been mostly staying at home for a few weeks, Lily has to wonder what in the world is going on around here. She has not one but TWO people in her personal space throughout the day. Around the clock, actually.

One of those people is pictured in the eerily-accurate illustration above.This lady interrupts Lily's numerous naps to re-adjust her blankie or give her kisses on the head. Lily tries to be patient but it can be a bit crazy-making, she admits.

The other purr-son in the house has taken a keen interest in her mealtime routine. Whenever Lily's food gets dispensed, he rushes in and scoops up half of it to dole out to her later. This is part of his ongoing attempts to prevent gobbling and subsequent upchucking. Lily's being a good sport about it, but of course this cramps her style!

With her nap time and mealtime schedules interrupted, it really does seem like Lily's whole world has turned upside down! 

 Sometimes she has to take matters into her own paws and go searching for food in the wild (i.e., the kitchen).

 She'll even sneak in an extra bite of pumpkin when no one is looking.


But in all, Lily is muddling through this period of isolation pretty well. Even if she won't admit it, she really does enjoy the extra company. It makes her feel safe, secure, and loved. And isn't that what we all want?

Stay safe out there, friends!

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