03 January 2020

Feline Friday: Home Alone!


While Bailey and her boyfriend were traveling over Christmas, little Rory stayed in Texas at his house.

Normally Rory stays at her own apartment when her meowmy leaves, but this time she vacationed at the big house -- all by herself! Maybe it's because I had just watched the original Home Alone movie, but I couldn't help but think of Rory on her own for almost a full week! 


I envisioned her sliding down the banister, leaping from the ledge, and doing all sorts of crazy things -- none of which actually occurred, of course!

Naturally, Daughter had made sure that the house  was totally cat-proofed and set up for Rory's complete comfort. The nanny cam provided occasional updates on her activities. Still, we anxiously awaited the daily dispatches from the cat sitter, who reported that Rory was eating and using the litter box just fine, but would hide under the couch or in the bathtub every time the she visited. As you can see, even a trail of treats wouldn't entice sweet Rory to leave her safe space!
All in all, Rory did very well on her own, but it was clear that she really missed her peeps! She has been very snuggly since they returned to Texas.

Even though she survived the week just fine, it's clear that little Rory is very happy now that she's NOT home alone! 😍

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