31 July 2020

Feline Friday

Hello, blogging friends!

I'm pleased to report that Lily has made big progress in the last week and is almost back to normal. She started drinking water again on her own which was a huge relief. Who knew that constipated cats can stop drinking?

Although she's not "regular" yet, she is now able to go potty without duress. She is still taking stool softener and a motility drug but hopefully soon she can be taken off them. I've been stealthily mixing both into her food which is much easier than trying to get a pill or syringe of liquid into her.

On the downside, earlier this week I noticed that her lip was swollen. She has a zit on her chin which I'd had the vet check on her last visit, so at first I assumed it was due to that. 

Rather than stressing her out with another trip to the vet, I e-mailed a picture of her lip to the office and picked up a prescription for Predisone. Meanwhile I read online that Metamucil can produce an allergic reaction which causes the lips to swell so I've taken her off that and resumed her canned pumpkin program. We may never know the culprit but at least it appears the swelling is resolving.

It has been so great to see Lily getting back to normal. Without her painful anal glands, I've observed her to be more active, more curious, and generally more engaged than she had been prior to the surgery. The vet believes the impacted glands were very painful for her in recent weeks so although we've had some ups and downs, the surgery was clearly the right path for her. Poor girl has been having anal gland problems since 2012. It's been a long haul for her.

Now our next job is to get her to lose some weight. We're going to start by cutting down on the treats and eventually eliminating them. I'm totally responsible for her putting on a couple of extra pounds and feel badly about that. I'm hoping that she'll now be more active and playful which will help her take off a bit of that extra weight. Wish us luck!

Thanks for stopping by today. Have a great Feline Friday!

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