02 February 2019

Catching Up On Scrapbooking: 2007

Hello, friends. Thanks for stopping by today! As I've mentioned (almost incessantly) lately,  I've been working on a bit of scrapbooking, finishing up this and that from the year 2007.

Back in 2007, we took a mini-vacation in Illinois after picking our daughter up at show choir camp. I knew I hadn't yet scrapbooked this trip, but as I thumbed through the stack of photos, I had the sense that I had already written about them. But where?

Oh, yeah. My blog. This very blog that you're visiting today.

I started my blog back in 2006. It had been a VERY long time since I'd looked back on those old posts. I loved writing my blog back then but for various reasons, and it has been almost too painful to read some of those posts. Nevertheless, I was on a mission to find the posts related to our trip, so I started reading.

Sure enough, there they were. I actually tried blogging "on the road" for that trip, writing about all the places we visited each day. I logged our travels in enough detail that those blog posts will provide more than enough journaling for this trip when it hits the scrapbook. Kind of like Cup-a-Soup. Instead of water, just add photos.

With just a little bit of reformatting, I printed the blog posts from that mini-vacation and added them into the album.

After that, it was just a matter of adding in a few pages of photos and a handful of captions.

Of course, since my goal is now "git-r-done", I used my fair share of pocket pages. Best things ever.

As I read back through those blog posts, I had to smile at the challenges of traveling with a middle school girl. In case your memory needs refreshing about such circumstances, there may be drama...

This was another trip in which I made sure we hit a few "off the beaten path" places, such as Shea's Gas Station on Route 66. Spouse remembers that it was conveniently closed on the day of our visit so we didn't go inside. I think it had more to do with that middle school girl in the back seat...

 So thanks to my blog, this very blog you're visiting, I had plenty of information to finish this part of my scrapbook.

The completed pages for this trip fit nicely in my "Short Trips" album, nestled comfortably behind our 2005 trip to St. Jo, Missouri. On THAT trip, I arranged for us to visit another "off the beaten path" point of interest -- the Glore Psychiatric Museum. Just be grateful I hadn't started my blog back then. Suffice it to say, I have yet to live that one down.
So long story short, I'm very grateful to have those old blog posts to use in my scrapbooks. Reading them reminds me how much I love writing (the reason I started my blog in the first place) and MAYBE inspires me to stick my toe back into those sometimes murky waters.


Kimberly Marie said...

Good thing you were able to use your old blog posts as the perfect way to complete your scrapbook for the vacation! I, too, love to write and journal about any number of things, including family life. Just wish I had more dedicated time to do only that!

Janet said...

Hi, Kimberly Marie! A blog is a great journaling tool...if we remember to use it! :) It has come in handy as a "historical" (haha!) record from time to time. Sometimes we wonder about a certain thing and I remember...Hey, it might be on the blog! :)
If only we had more time in the day to do it!