10 November 2017

Feline Friday

Awhile back, I finally bought a cat tree. I'd been holding out for one that was a little less bulky than some I've seen. Bailey found a great one for Rory, so I bought the very same tree. Here's little Rory on the day her new tree arrived. It was barely assembled before she had claimed it as her own!

Truth be told, I've always felt kind of guilty that the girls didn't have a cat tree, so when the new tree finally arrived, I was absolutely sure they would love it.

Turns out...not so much. Tinsel, who was much more of a jumper than Lily, would occasionally sit on the tree. But Lily would have nothing to do with it.

It's kind of like when you bring home a new cat toy but the kitty would rather play with the box. :)

Since Tinsel has been gone, I've been trying to coerce Lily to use the tree. I've moved it around to every window in the house, upstairs and downstairs, to the point that Spouse thought we perhaps have TWO trees! 😁 Finally it ended up back in the kitchen.

Again I sprinkled it with dry catnip. I sprayed it with catnip spray. Finally, Miss Lily jumped up on it...

 ...if only to reach the catnip sprinkles!

But once she was up on the top, she looked at me as if to say...HAI MEOWMY! Dis bee kinda FUN!
 Still, I wasn't optimistic. After she ate the catnip, she had nothing to do with the tree for several days.

Then one day...a glimmer of hope! Lily climbed onto the tree without my "encouragement"!

What a shock to see this!

And now, I've caught her several times on the lower platform. This week I even saw her run through the house and take a flying leap to the tree. That was quite a surprise!
HAI, MEOWMY LOOK! I haz a nu TREE! 😻

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