11 March 2022

Feline Friday

I don't know how she does it, but Lily knows what time her automatic feeder will drop its delicious bounty of food! 

 She can be in a deep sleep but wakes up just a few minutes in advance to prepare.


Every Single Day she does some version of this. She starts to wake up, very slowly but still aware of the time!

Within a few minutes, she's sitting up. She's sort of in zombie mode at this point, but she has her eyes fixed firmly on the feeder. Sometimes this stage of the process starts a full 30 minutes ahead of the food drop. It's quite hilarious!


 Finally, she steps out of her basket and moves closer to the feeder. Can't be even one second late!

I will never understand how she does this. It's every single night...and every single morning, too.

Smart kitty!


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