21 May 2021

Feline Friday

 Lily had an appointment with her vet this week, the first time in several months! It was the first time that this vet had seen her since her anal gland surgery last July. He was very pleased with how she's doing!

 Lily was due for vaccines so that was the first order of business. In addition, she had a fluid-filled cyst on her chin which needed to be drained for the third or fourth time. He said that it's related to the recurring feline acne on her chin. To be sure, I need to pay more attention to the cleanliness of that area. In fact, when she was a young kitty, I was told to use Stridex pads on her chin. These days, I think I'll just use warm water. I'm taking no chances with her!

I also had the vet take a peek at her rear end because (warning, TMI ahead...) she occasionally has a little blood on the external area after going poop. I've had this problem looked at multiple times and her previous vet (recently retired) was not concerned. The vet she saw yesterday believes she has a build up of scar tissue which occasionally becomes inflamed. That makes sense given what I've observed, so I'm going to cross it off the list of things to be worried about.

Lily has to be sedated to go to the vet and this time when they brought her to the car, she was still asleep. Poor thing hates the vet so much that she was growling while sleeping! Turn the volume up to hear Angry Lily!

After coming home, it took Lily most of the day to feel better. She was obviously sore from her shots and chin procedure, plus she didn't care for the taste of the antiseptic solution they used on her chin. She licked her lips repeatedly (a sign of nausea). I made sure to mix lots of water into her food so she'd be well-hydrated, and by this morning she was back to her chipper self.

Sweet girl. As a senior kitty (age 15!), I'm so glad she had a good report from the vet!

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