11 December 2020

Feline Friday

It's been a couple of weeks since Lily has been featured on Feline Friday but no worries...she's the Featured Kitty EVERY DAY around here!

She has been doing very well since recovering from The Wipe Incident. In fact, she seems to be picking up speed, especially when it's time for us to go to sleep.

At bedtime, she joins me for a couple of Temptations, then wanders off to get a drink of water and use the potty. After she "exits the restroom", the running begins on the first floor. From the second floor, it sounds like thundering hooves. Occasionally she jumps up a wall and scrapes her claws all the way down (not good, as you might imagine). But mostly, she runs...faster and faster. 

Eventually she lands back in the bedroom where she sometimes fits herself under a very low dresser (it's unclear why this is happening...) and finally emerges to hop up on the bed and fall asleep. We experience some version of this nearly every night.

But one night recently she added something new at 2:30 in the morning:

She jumped onto the piano keys! I must say this was quite startling as no one was downstairs at the time except for Lily who, as far as we knew, doesn't play any instrument. 

 I immediately went downstairs to find her sitting innocently enough in the dining room as if to say, "What's the matter, Meowmy?"


Crazy girl. But I'll take it. It's great to see her running and playing again, even if it's in the middle of the night!

Happy Feline Friday!

1 comment:

Nadee said...

Even I had a cat when I was small who used to call unknown numbers and surprise people. I no linger have him with me, but remembered about him when I was reading this.