29 July 2017

Scrapbooking: Wizarding World of Harry Potter Album Done!

Over the years, I've done several personality assessments, and one of my most-often reported traits is how much I love finishing projects. People with this personality trait are sometimes called "Concluder-Producers" in corporate jargon. We're the people who like to get stuff done! 

Because I value FINISHING STUFF, it drives me absolutely nuts having incomplete projects lying about. 

Case in point: All The Unfinished Scrapbooking. 

So I'm on a mission to finish stuff up around here, and I'm happy to report that the Florida album project I recently started is DONE. It sure felt good to put those spine labels in the albums!

Once I carved out some time to do it, it only took a few days of work. Not bad at all, and it was really enjoyable, too. 

Here are a few of the very simple pages. I like simple. Simple = done.

It feels great to have finished a project like this, and now we can enjoy looking back at this trip and remembering the stories...at least as much as I could remember them after waiting seven years to scrapbook it! 
 So now I'm starting another project and I'm hoping to knock it out within just a few days' time. In addition, I've finally extracted all of my photos from my phone, and now I can start assessing exactly how much scrapbooking still needs done. (Answer: A LOT)  
The key to getting stuff done: Just get started, and seeing progress will compel you to keep going!

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