You may recall my post from earlier this week about Lily's current obsession with tissue paper.
Recently, she has taken to napping UNDER the tissue paper, presumably because it makes a cool hiding spot.
One day this week I happened to walk through the kitchen and caught a strange sight out of the corner of my eye: A maroon blob was traveling silently across the kitchen floor. It was Lily -- creeping EVER SO SLOWLY toward Tinsel's food dish, with the tissue paper draped over her body.
Recently, she has taken to napping UNDER the tissue paper, presumably because it makes a cool hiding spot.
One day this week I happened to walk through the kitchen and caught a strange sight out of the corner of my eye: A maroon blob was traveling silently across the kitchen floor. It was Lily -- creeping EVER SO SLOWLY toward Tinsel's food dish, with the tissue paper draped over her body.

As she walked very cautiously so that the tissue paper stayed in place, I'm sure she was thinking, "Nobuddy can see me!"
Yes, it's a perfect disguise, Lily!
Yes, it's a perfect disguise, Lily!