I don't know about you, but I am completely APPALLED by the name of this cereal. I'm sort of accustomed to the name of my cereal reflecting the ingredients. For example Oatmeal Crunch contains oatmeal, and Frosted Flakes are...well, Frosted Flakes.
Wild Animal Crunch does NOT, thankfully, contain wild animals, but the name and photos certainly imply that it does.
Do the good marketing people at Kellogg's not test product names? Evidently not on people like me. I'll be interested in watching how long this one lasts.
Yikes...that's the first thing I would have been thinking too. Not the best marketing research going on there.
Reminds me of that old joke that said something about powdered milk being made from milk, another example or two, then wondered about baby powder...
I buy my kids cereal named Panda Puffs and a cereal named Koala Crisp with animals on the cover, so it doesn't seem like much of a stretch to me. But then again, the cereal donates 1% of sales to endangered species, habitat conservation & environmental education, so at least there's a method to their madness. I've also bought them that Puffin cereal from Barbara's on occasion on occasion...
Oh great! Now I'm getting hungry! Maybe I'll just go eat a squid...KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) ;-)
Cheri-Oh, yes...I remember that joke! I'm sure if I spent more time at the grocery store, I'd find many more such examples!!
Jill-In fact, I saw the Panda Puffs today for the first time! The thing about WA Crunch is that although it has the Animal Planet logo on the box, it doesn't appear that they donate any % of sales. That MIGHT have helped me overlook the name!! :-) What's next? Squidlishious Snacks?? Sorry -- couldn't resist!! JK! LOL! :-)
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