Have you heard the saying about the cobbler? The cobbler's children have no shoes. Presumably that's because the cobbler gave all of his or her time and energy to the business.
Similarly, we could say that the card instructor's card basket has no cards. SERIOUSLY, no cards, other than a few weird cards that I will probably never send. True confession!
Now envelopes? I've got you covered! :)
This is a very strange situation. I make LOTS of cards for classes. I'm ALWAYS making cards, and that's no exaggeration. If I'm not making cards for class projects, I'm making kits for card-making classes.
But take time to make cards for myself? I rarely do that these days. If I need a card, I rush around and make it at the last minute (something I tell my students never to do!) or...wait for it...I sometimes buy a card at the grocery store. *gasp* Now that, folks, is a shame, when I have enough card-making supplies to last for 100 years!
Well, I recently rectified this unfortunate situation and made 12 cards in one evening! I started out with a sheet of cut-apart paper which is made for cards and gives you a 3x4 piece for each card front in a variety of themes. Then I added more paper and do-dads, and that was that! These cards were quick and easy to make and, while they're nothing to write home about, they'll do in a pinch and I won't be running around trying to make one at the last minute.
My trusty helper, Tinsel, was on duty for this card-making event. Whenever I'm working in the craft room, she's almost always with me. Bless her little heart.
When I was done with the cards, Tinsel and I put them into my basket. It was a good feeling filling that basket up. Well, it's actually filled with envelopes, but adding a few cards makes it LOOK a little fuller.
So yay for my sweet craft room helper. And yay for card baskets with actual cards!
It always feels SO NICE to get things neat, tidy and back into order! And really, it doesn't ever take nearly as long as I thought it would, so then I wonder why I ever procrastinated!