18 January 2008

Feline Friday: Lily's weather report


  1. LOL! I love the picture - too cute! My cat darted out this morning and right back in when she felt the snow on her paws. I should have my camera ready!

  2. LOL! I feel the same way about it too.

  3. ROFL! :D I bet that's what mine would say. So far, none yet this year, but there are rumors that maybe tomorrow...

  4. Agreed wholeheartedly... Lily is very perceptive.

    My cats have rarely touched snow. They prefer to watch it from the warmth of the living room window...

  5. Scrappy Bee-I loved Lily's expression! She meowed all day until I let her go see what the snow was all about (our kitties only go outside on leashes, for 5 minutes at a time, in nice weather!). She quickly decided it was much better inside!

    Linda and Katy-The snow is very pretty, but a 3 degree temperature is not so fun!

    Sarah-I always like to set Lily and Tinsel in the snow once a season to see what they do. :-) You should try it, if you get snow this weekend!

    Maureen-Normally, that's where Lily and Tinsel are during winter days. This was only a brief test. She very quickly backed up into the garage and then into the comfort of her blue blankie. :-)

  6. WAY TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. And Maureen, my cats have never touched snow, but they're Texas cats so they've never watched it from the warmth of the living room window either!


Thanks for dropping by!